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About Me

Ever since I can remember I’ve been interested in the world outside of the U.S. I’ve always wanted to learn as much as I possibly could about the way people in other countries live their daily lives. I wanted to know what “normal” means in other parts of the world. What makes us all the same and what are the differences? Maybe for this reason, I’ve also had a constant thirst to learn new languages. 


I have been lucky enough to work and/or study on four different continents, all while learning different languages. I practiced my Italian in Italy during a summer internship at the U.S. Consulate in Milan. I spent a summer studying French and Wolof in Dakar, Senegal. After graduating from The Ohio State University with a double major in French and International Development and a minor in Spanish, I was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and spent a year as an English Teaching Assistant at a federal university in Curitiba, Brazil, where I learned Portuguese.


Aside from my varied experiences abroad, I had a great deal of "international" experiences on campus at Ohio State. As a freshman, I started to participate in the English Conversation Partner Program, which provided me the opportunity to get to know international students on campus. My senior year, I became an Orientation Leader for international students and began to work as an Office Assistant for the Office of International Student Services. I also served as the president of Phi Sigma Iota, a Foreign Language Honor Society.    


  In December, I earned my M.A. in International Education Management at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, after completing my practicum in the Center for International Affairs at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where I was born and raised. 


Currently, I am looking for a position in which I can either continue working with international students, advising on immigration issues and helping them adjust to university life in the U.S, or help facilitate meaningful and rewarding education abroad experiences for university students. I also hope to contribute to internationalization on college campuses.    



Dakar, Senegal

London, England



Curitiba, Brazil

Milan, Italy















(CELPE-BRAS Certification)














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International Education Professional
International Experience/Languages


International Education Marketing & Recruitment

Relevant Courses

Logic Model Framework for International Education


Principles & Practices of International Education


Staff Management in an International Context


Student Services


Survey Design

Budgeting for Educational Organizations


Campus Internationalization


Counseling Skills for Advisors


Cross-Cultural Crisis Management


Developing Intercultural Training for Organizations


International Education Marketing & Recruitment


International Education Program Design & Assessment


International Student & Scholar Services


In this course, my teammates and I worked together with the founder of Dayton Hughes Consulting to create a marketing plan for their new online leadership course.

The plan is complete with:

  • A competitor analysis

  • A lead flow plan

  • A pricing sensitivities memo

  • Value proposition brochures (including the one below)

  • A 12-month marketing timeline

Here is a link to our final proposal:



International Education Program Design & Assessment

In this course, my teammates and I worked closely with the Associate Director of International Programs and the Education Abroad Advisor at California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) to enhance their Education Abroad programs by designing assessment materials.

The deliverables we created include

  • A literature review

  • Theory of Change and Program Logic Models for the CSUMB Education Abroad Programs

  • A re-entry survey

  • Goal setting worksheets for pre-departure and re-entry

  • Rules and rubrics for a study abroad photo contest

  • A pre-advising intake form

  • A cultural activity meant to be included in pre-departure orientation

  • An assessment manual

  • Future recommendations

All of these materials and suggestions are meant to help ensure that all participants in education abroad at CSUMB have fulfilling experiences that help them develop academically, personally, and interculturally. Here is a link to our final proposal:



International Student & Scholar Services 

This course focused on all aspects of the international student experience at universities in the U.S. Not only did we learn F and J regulations, we also focused on how to help international students successfully adjust to American culture in and out of the classroom. Here is a short video I made to help international students learn about and take advantage of all of the resources available to them on campus. 

Student Services 

This course focused on Student Development theories and how we, as international education professionals, can use these theories to support students. My final paper for the course was on how programming through First Year Experience Offices can support First Generation Students. 

Below is a link to the PDF of my final paper.   

Practicum at Case Western Reserve University Center for International Affairs

Asian Mid-Autumn Festival


Practicum at Case Western Reserve University Center for International Affairs

I marketed and facilitated the first year of the Center for International Affairs' new international partnership program for graduate students. iPALs pairs international graduate students with domestic graduate students to build bridges across cultures through an equal partnership. Along with a colleague, I created the expectations sheet for the program, made the matches, planned and led the kickoff event, and led all communication with participants.   

International Partnerships and Learning (iPALs) Program 

I was the lead planner for the university-wide Asian Mid-Autumn Festival event, which welcomes over 1,000 students every year. To plan this event, I led a committee of staff from four different offices on campus, worked with off-campus vendors, spearheaded all marketing efforts, recruited and organized volunteers, and managed the budget. 

Graduate Work
Relevant Courses
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